Sep 1, 2014


It was weigh in day for me today and I was incredibly nervous this morning to step on the scale given the outcome of last weeks weigh in of 216! (that's a 5lb gain for everyone counting!)

This is what I saw this morning...

No... not just the pudgy little toes... the number!
And to be honest, I had to weigh myself a couple more times. Just to make sure there was no error.
Yes, I am incredibly proud and elated ,but I also know that this was no happy accident. I worked for this. Very, very hard. I did my best to clean up my food and I dug deep to motivate myself to work out. I had a lousy week a couple of weeks ago and realized no one would pick me up out of my rut but me. No amount of sweet-talkin' or sugar-coatin' was gonna get me in gear. I even posted this on Instagram...

I did get myself unstuck. I did. I also knew this morning before stepping on the scale that no matter what the number would be it would not deter me. I would keep on keepin' on with the clean eats and the exercising. That was my choice.
Many of my food choices for the past week can be seen on Instagram (@back2happymom). And as for my work outs... those included kickboxing, HIIT, weights at home, doing housework, not sitting down, sweating in this California heat wave and bicycle rides like this...

This week I am duct-taping myself to the wagon with no grandiose expectations but to make the best choices I can with my food and to move my arse as much as possible.
Mission accomplished for Monday already... I did my weight training at home today. Tomorrow will be kickboxing and house cleaning... someone please send help!

There isn't much change I think from the last time I took a full body photo, but I am now at a 65lb weight loss from when I was at my heaviest.
A refresher...


...and now.

Happy Monday!
Happy Labor Day!!

Please feel free to leave me a comment. I would love to hear from you :)

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